Pet Health

The Pet-agrees provides pet owners with useful articles on pet health. Read our articles and keep your pet happy and healthy.

Parasites & Your Pet

When it comes to protecting your pets against parasites, prevention is the best cure. As a pet owner, understanding the…

6 years ago

New Year’s Resolution- Brush Your Pet’s Teeth!

Brush Your Pet’s Teeth! On this first month of 2019, make your pet’s health a priority for the coming year.…

6 years ago

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

In our last post, we discussed Canine UTIs. In this blog, we will address urinary tract diseases in cats, commonly…

6 years ago

Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

Just like humans, your furry friend can get a urinary tract infection (UTI). In fact, urinary tract infections are common…

6 years ago

Overfeeding Your Pets Causes Obesity

Who can resist that cute face? You come home from work and your happy pup or kitty jumps off the…

6 years ago

Pet Life: Your Guide to Help Your Pet Live Longer

According to Rodney Habib in his TEDx talk on how to help your pet live longer, you should simply follow the…

6 years ago

Coming Soon on My Peterinarian Blog

Keep your eyes on My Peterinarian's blog section for tips, advice and interesting posts for you & your pets.   Are…

7 years ago